There is a need for sewer repairs in Illinois because the city has more than 25,000 residents.

Your home and other homes on your block may flood if a sewer pipe bursts or becomes clogged. Sewer lines are constantly under pressure, so if there is a problem, they will break rapidly. These issues occur more frequently than most homeowners realize, therefore occasionally you need to contact a qualified business that specializes in solving them!

As a homeowner, dealing with a sewer line blockage or leak can be aggravating. Along with the unpleasant odor and laborious cleanup of a clogged sewer pipe, determining the cause of your sewage problem can be tough.

It is critical to understand the major causes of sewage line damage in order to help prevent or alleviate an issue when it occurs. Here are the most typical reasons of a damaged sewer line, as well as warning signals to look for.

Cause of sewer line damage

From clogged pipes to normal wear and tear, here are a few causes of sewer line damage.

Tree Roots

Tree roots are one of the most common sources of sewer line damage. As a tree grows, its roots follow water sources. Because sewer lines transport liquid waste, roots are naturally drawn to the source—especially if there is already a tiny leak in the piping.

When tree roots come into contact with a sewer pipe, they begin to wrap around and break through it, obstructing, weakening, and even damaging the structure. Clay sewer pipes, which are commonly found in older homes, are the most vulnerable to tree root damage.


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Corroded Pipes

Although pipes made of steel and cast iron are galvanized to prevent rusting, these pipes are at a high risk of corroding due to calcium and magnesium build-up from regular wear and tear. If corrosion is left untreated, it can leave the pipe susceptible to leaks and cracks.

Clogged Pipes Due to Debris and Foreign Objects

The sewage lines in your home are solely designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. Avoid flushing rubbish such as wrappers and paper towels since they are unable to decompose properly and might generate blockages that drain cleaning solutions cannot resolve. Cooking oil and grease can also clog pipes in the kitchen if dumped into the sink. Pour these liquids into a container, allow them to cool, and then discard in a trash can.

Extreme Temperatures

During extreme temperature and cold weather, frozen pipes can bust as a result of the expanding ice. However, it’s not just cold weather that can cause pipes to rupture—though unlikely, extreme heat can burst pipes, too.

 Sign of Sewer Line Damage

To prevent further damage, it’s important to know the signs of a damaged sewer system so that you can take immediate action and contact an experienced service technician.

Flooded or Foul-Smelling Yard

A flooded yard may indicate a broken sewer pipe. Sewer lines can be buried anywhere from a few feet to six feet below ground, with colder areas necessitating deeper pipes. A broken sewer line near the surface can quickly begin to pool water, which seeps through the grass and becomes apparent on the surface.

Draining Difficulties

While some blockages are caused by a pipe that leads straight from a faucet or shower, a blockage in the main sewage system can be detected if many draining sites in the property are clogged. Toilets can detect severe obstructions by making unusual gurgling sounds when air is forced back up the pipe.

How to Protect Your Sewer Lines

Although not all sewer line damage can be avoided, here are three things you may take to protect your sewage system:

  1. Get sewer line inspections—Have a professional evaluate your sewage system at least once a year to ensure that it is in good functioning order. Some plumbing companies provide camera inspections to evaluate the inside of your sewer line for corrosion or clogs.
  2. Remove trees that are damaging the sewer line—Although a root invasion in your sewer line is frequently caused by an existing crack or leak in the pipe, we still recommend removing the tree from the area after repairing or replacing the pipe to ensure the problem does not reoccur.
  3. Make correct use of your sewage system—Remember to only dispose of human waste and toilet paper in sewer lines; any other materials that enter the system might cause blockages.


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